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Central Risk Management (CRM)

This page allows a Loan performer User to generate credit risk reference file for a specified period of time that are sent to the regulator for interpretation and credit analysis.

How to generate credit reference files

To to generate credit reference files you go to Accounts/Regulatory reports/Central Bank of Madagascar/Central Risk Management and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that the credit risk levels need to have been defined under menu System Configuration/ Loan product settings/Guarantee settings.

For the above reference files to have the required information in them, you need to do the following:


The placebo code is a code you enter manually yourself according to the institution's needs. It is different from the automatically generated code by LPF. This will enable you to filter and analyze your loan reports by the placebo code you will have defined. For instance, the regulatory reports sent to the Central risk management of Bank of Madagascar require that you analyse and declare your financial information by the placebo code and not the LPF automatically generated code. For more information on this, go to Accounting/Regulatory Reports/Central Bank of Madagascar/Central Risk Management.


Note that you need to create a folder that will be used to store the risk files created e.g "C:\lpf817\risk Files\" This will be the directory that will be browsed from the Credit reference files window as shown below:



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